Each artist has their sound signature, fruit of their bowing.
Bows are sound machines showing complex and multiple sides personalities. For musicians, they are the key to their own sound, to finetune the tone and the colour thay want, building the sound they imagine.
Bows are musicians’ intimate companions. They forward their musical message and emotional power to auditors.

How do bows work?
Bows originally set stringed instruments in motion to get the best out of them, they control instruments’ breath and projection. Bows are also music instruments. Each bow has their own voice and sound, mixing them together with stringed instruments’ ones.
Bows are intimately connected to musicians’ bodies. On them depend muscians’ capcity to play relaxed and reach great sound.
Sensitivity, elasticity and dynamics are the key factors to sound. On these factors depend the possibility for musicians to reach their limits and the bottom of their instruments.
Eventualy, bows constantly propose musicians a way for improving their technique, therefore their sound.
We offer different lines of bows showing different sensitivities and tonal capacities in order to satisfy musicians’ needs. Contact us to discover our wooden bows and our hybrid bows aimed at artists from their first years at conservatory schools to the highest positions as chamber musicians or soloists.